加州Unruh法案网站可访问性: Here’s what you need to know!

By: 天网科技美国有限责任公司
8 mins

Web accessibility is a fundamental right that ensures all people, 包括那些有缺陷的人, 可以访问和使用在线材料. 在加州, Unruh民权法案 是否有一项关键的立法保护人们免受在该州经营的公司的歧视. 该法案适用于数字领域, 使网站遵循无障碍要求以提供对服务和信息的公平访问至关重要. 保护残疾人权利,营造包容的网络环境, businesses must understand the implications of the Unruh Act for website accessibility.

What are the web accessibility laws in California?

California adheres to web accessibility laws, 包括《pg电子官网》(ADA)和第508条规定的联邦标准. Additionally, the state follows regulations established by Unruh民权法案 passed in 1959, which prohibits discrimination based on disability, 涵盖网络平台. 加州残疾人法案(CDPA), 1974年制定, 确保残疾人在使用公共场所和设施方面享有平等权利.

截至2019年7月, 加州AB 434规定,所有属于州政府机构和实体的网站必须对不同能力的用户开放. Together, these laws, in conjunction with the ADA and Section 508, 概述了在加州经营的企业必须遵循的网络可访问性要求,以使他们的数字平台具有包容性和可访问性.

  • 加州残疾人法案(CDPA)

    《pg电子官网》旨在确保残疾人士在使用公共空间时享有平等的机会和机会, facilities, and services. 根据CDPA, 企业必须确保残障人士完全和平等地访问网站. 这包括实施使网站和基于web的服务与屏幕阅读器兼容的措施, 语音识别软件, 以及其他辅助技术. This legislation serves as a cornerstone for promoting inclusivity, 禁止歧视, 并确认残疾人应享有与加州公众同等权利和特权的原则. 该计划有助于为所有居民创造一个更无障碍和公平的环境, reinforcing the state's commitment to inclusiveness and equality.

  • Unruh Civil Rights Act (California Civil Code 51)

    《pg电子竞技》是加州的州级立法,禁止基于受保护类别的歧视, 包括残疾. It is applicable to companies and public spaces throughout the state. 企业必须根据该法给予残疾人平等使用其服务和设施的机会. This includes, 除此之外, 确保网站对盲人开放,并提供轮椅通道和手语翻译. 在加州, the Unruh Act has been used by plaintiffs to file claims against businesses, 包括州外企业, for alleged violations of digital accessibility for people with disabilities. As a result, the number of web accessibility lawsuits filed in California has increased.

What are the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines?

万维网联盟(W3C)制定了WCAG指导方针,以改善残疾人士访问Web内容的能力. Level AA conformance is one of the accessibility levels set out by WCAG, and it is an important standard for making websites accessible.

Under AB 434, 加州的每个州机构都被要求在显著位置展示官方认证,证明符合WCAG 2的AA级标准.0在其主页上. 该认证是该机构承诺向所有用户开放其网站的公开声明, 包括残疾人士.

下载WCAG 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2 .核对清单 了解其细节上的差异 & improve your digital assets in accessibility with the latest WCAG standards.

What is the importance of Unruh民权法案?

Unruh民权法案, 通常被称为安鲁法案, 加州是否有法律保护个人免受在该州经营的所有企业的歧视, including those offering housing and other forms of public accommodation. 根据法律, it is illegal to discriminate against anyone based on their age, ancestry, color, disability, 国家的起源, race, religion, sex, 或者性取向. It was given that name in honor of former California Assemblyman Jesse M. Unruh, who wrote the legislation and was a key contributor to its approval in 1959. 第51条及以下各条. of the California Civil Code are the codification of the Unruh Act.

A few cases have sparked debate and discussion regarding the Unruh Act, 一些批评人士声称,一再提起诉讼的原告是为了牟利,而不是真正试图提高可及性. However, 参与安鲁法案案件的组织和被告必须意识到他们的权利和可能的辩护, such as proving compliance with the law or disputing the plaintiff's standing.

自投诉书送达之日起,被告可在21或31天内作出回应, 这取决于诉讼是在加州高级法院还是联邦地区法院提起的, therefore responding to an Unruh Act lawsuit demands quick action.


The non-compliance risk of website accessibility laws, 尤其是加州的安鲁法案, has seen a significant surge in recent years, leading to a rise in accessibility lawsuits. 本节说明, For businesses, 这种不遵守规定带来了各种危险, 包括面临4美元的风险,每一项违反规定的赔偿金额为000美元, 以及潜在的大量开支, time, and damage to their reputation when defending against accessibility lawsuits.

Businesses in California that achieve compliance with Unruh民权法案 (and, consequently, 《pg电子官网》第三章)不仅减轻了法律风险,而且还从用户体验的显著改善和接触更多受众的能力中受益. 在美国, there are approximately 61 million adults living with disabilities, and worldwide, people with disabilities control an annual disposable income of $1.2 trillion. By ensuring website accessibility, businesses can reach wider audiences.

For state and local government organizations, adhering to applicable laws such as California AB 434, Section 508, 以及《pg电子官网》第二章, 降低法律风险, 提高吸引和留住有才能的员工的能力,而不考虑他们的身体素质, and improved service delivery to all citizens. 遵守这些可访问性法规为政府实体带来了许多好处.

How can you improve your website compliance with California accessibility laws?

为了实现这一实质性的一致性,并提高您的网站符合加州无障碍法律, 可以考虑以下步骤:


  • 进行无障碍网站审核

    首先进行彻底的检查 网站易访问性审核 to identify existing accessibility barriers and issues. This audit should assess your website against the WCAG 2.0 AA级指引 , which are the standards that most organizations aim to achieve for accessibility.

  • 实现可访问性修复

    Address the accessibility issues identified during the audit. 进行必要的修改,以确保您的网站符合WCAG 2的II级(AA级)标准.0. This may involve improving content structure, 为图像提供替代文本, 确保键盘的可访问性, and more.

  • 连续测试

    Web accessibility is an ongoing process that must be tested regularly. 无论何时,只要你的网站的内容或结构发生变化,都要进行持续的可访问性测试. This ensures that your website remains compliant over time.

  • User Testing

    Involve users with disabilities in testing your website's accessibility. 他们的反馈在确定可用性问题和进一步改进方面是无价的.

  • 聘请无障碍专家

    考虑涉及 无障碍网页顾问 who have experience in web accessibility and WCAG compliance. Throughout the process, they can offer insightful advice and assistance.

  • Display Accessibility Compliance Information

    符合加州AB 434, if your organization is a state agency or entity, prominently display a signed certification on your website's home page indicating 符合WCAG 2的AA级标准.0.


To summarize, 《pg电子官网》是一项重要的法律,确保残疾人士可以访问网络. 以避免歧视诉讼,并确保平等地获得他们的服务和网上信息, businesses operating inside the state must comply with this law. Understanding and following the rules of the Unruh Act is critical to creating inclusion, 尊重所有用户的权利, 让数字世界更容易进入, 为所有人创造空间.

As an associate member of International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP), We are a part of Global accessibility community. 我们也是W3C的成员.

The businesses that are considering remediating websites with full ADA WCAG 2.1 compliance; we provide full website accessibility remediation solution 包括审核、咨询、补救、定期维护、监控、培训和支持. Our solution can improve your website accessibility compliance for the 加州安鲁 Act. To request a free quote, please feel free to submit this form 或发邮件至 (电子邮件保护).