The UK's Equality Act of 2010 prohibits discrimination based on disability and explicitly extends to websites, 建议坚持 无障碍网页指引(WCAG) Level AA. British Standards such as BS 8878 and ISO 30071-1 provide guidance on incorporating accessibility best practices without replacing WCAG. 这些标准强调在整个开发过程中考虑可访问性, 建立政策, 并通过可访问性语句来传达决策. 平等法案的结合, ISO 30071-1, and the Public Sector Bodies Accessibility Regulations aims to ensure equal access to Information and Communications Technology (ICT). 这一努力促进了对残疾人的公平和包容. 要深入了解它,请继续阅读本文.
The Equality Act 2010 is a comprehensive legislation in the United Kingdom that serves to protect individuals from discrimination in various aspects of life, 包括工作场所和更广泛的社会. 它将以前的反歧视法合并为一个单独的法案, 简化法律框架,加强对不同情况的保护. This Act delineates the prohibited ways in which individuals should not be treated unfairly.
受保护的特征包含身份的各个方面, such as age, 变性, 婚姻状况, 怀孕或产假, disability, 种族(包括肤色), nationality, 种族或国籍), 宗教或信仰, sex, 以及性取向. 个人在生活的许多领域都受到保护,不受歧视, 包括就业, education, 消费者互动, 获得公共服务, 房地产交易, 以及参加私人俱乐部或社团.
2010年《pg电子竞技》将保护范围扩大到直接歧视之外, 解决间接歧视, harassment, 和受害. Direct discrimination refers to treating someone unfavorably due to a protected characteristic, while indirect discrimination involves implementing rules or systems that put individuals with protected characteristics at an unfair disadvantage. Harassment encompasses unwanted behavior related to a protected characteristic that undermines dignity or creates an offensive environment. Victimization pertains to unfair treatment due to having filed a discrimination complaint or supported someone else's claim.
根据法案, employers are prohibited from discriminating against employees in various aspects of work, 包括解雇, 雇佣条款和条件, pay, promotions, training, recruitment, 和冗余. Specific exemptions may exist if they are deemed necessary for the organization's function, 比如宗教机构基于信仰的有限招聘.
It is noteworthy that the Act mandates the same treatment for disabled workers as other employees. Employers are obligated to make 'reasonable adjustments' to facilitate disabled employees or job applicants. 这包括在申请过程中提供便利, 能力倾向测试, 面试安排, 工作场所的设施, equipment, 提升的机会, 以及其他与工作相关的福利,以确保公平和平等的机会.
该法案还允许采取“积极行动”,' permitting proactive measures to assist individuals with protected characteristics who face disadvantages, 有特定的需求, 或者是代表性不足的活动或工作部门.
Under the purview of the Equality Act, various settings and entities fall within its scope. It extends its coverage to places and organizations offering goods or services and also encompasses employment-related affairs. 这包括:
- 消费者服务: Establishments such as shops, hotels, leisure facilities, and similar consumer-oriented facilities.
- 卫生服务: 这包括医疗保健设施,如医生的手术, hospitals, 和牙医, 并确保提供有关医疗保健权利的信息.
- Employers: 该法案涉及工作场所的动态, 确保在工作场所和工作申请期间的公平待遇, 解决就业环境中的年龄歧视等问题.
- 公共服务: 它包括地方议会提供的服务, 运输服务, 以及住房协会, 确保公平和平等地获得和利用这些服务.
在英国, laws mandate both public and private organizations to ensure their digital resources are accessible. 具体地说, the Equality Act of 2010 prohibits businesses from discriminating against individuals based on disability and extends explicitly to website accessibility. 然而,它没有规定技术标准.
Fortunately, guidelines such as the 无障碍网页指引(WCAG) offer a framework for creating accessible websites and mobile apps. Compliance with the latest version of WCAG can demonstrate adherence to anti-discrimination laws, 包括平等法案, 美国残疾人法案(ADA), 欧洲无障碍法案(EAA).
Key aspects determining a website or app's compliance with the Equality Act of 2010 include:
真实的影响: 考虑网页设计决策如何影响用户, 尤其是那些残疾人士, 比如那些使用屏幕阅读器或者仅仅依靠键盘进行导航的用户.
可访问性障碍: 用户由于不可访问的设计而面临障碍的例子, 比如缺少图像的替代文本阻碍了屏幕阅读器用户, 较差的色彩对比会影响视力受损人士的可读性, 或者在影响聋人社区的视频中缺少文字替代.
While the Equality Act of 2010 did not revolutionize existing requirements for accommodating disabilities, 它澄清说,网站属于该法案的“服务条款”." The Act allows for 'reasonable adjustments' considering factors like financial resources. 尽管如此,它还是为提供可访问的在线内容设定了明确的任务.
另外, the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) Accessibility Regulations 2018 further specify obligations for public sector websites and mobile apps. 它们要求遵守国际标准,特别是WCAG 2.1 AA, and necessitate publishing an accessibility statement outlining the level of compliance and accessible alternatives provided. Monitoring and enforcement of compliance are overseen by bodies like the Government Digital Service (GDS) and the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC).
此外,ISO 30071-1,和 国际无障碍网页标准, 取代英国标准BS 8878, offering guidance on embedding accessibility considerations into organizational processes for creating accessible digital products.
从本质上讲,《pg电子官网》强调了WCAG 2.0/2.1 AA级合规, 促进可访问性, equality, 并最大限度地降低组织的法律风险. 确保合规, 持续进行测试, 可用性评估是针对残疾用户进行的, and an accessibility statement is provided to users so that they are aware of their compliance status.
如何遵守美国的规定.K. 无障碍网页标准?
遵守U.K. 网站无障碍标准,组织应:
- 遵循WCAG指南:
- 遵守WC3概述的Web内容可访问性指南(WCAG). These guidelines offer specific recommendations to make online content more accessible to individuals with disabilities, 关注可感知性等方面, operability, 可理解性, 和鲁棒性.
- 符合政府无障碍设施规定:
- 确保符合WCAG 2.1 AA级标准.
- Ensure compatibility with assistive technologies used by individuals with disabilities such as screen magnifiers, 屏幕阅读器, 以及语音识别工具.
- 将残障人士纳入用户研究,以创造更具包容性的设计.
- 发布详细说明服务可访问性级别的可访问性声明, 确定的问题, 用户报告问题的方法, 以及为解决无障碍问题所采取的步骤.
- 遵守英国数字无障碍法规:
- Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018 involves meeting WCAG 2.1 AA标准 并发布可访问性声明以确认合规性.
To conclude, the UK's Equality Act of 2010 and web accessibility laws offer critical advantages. 它们确保全面防止歧视, 在生活的各个领域促进公平, 并明确规定网站的可访问性. 通过强制遵守Web内容可访问性指南(WCAG), 这些法律营造了一个更具包容性的网络环境, 造福残疾人和整个社会. Overall, 它们促进了更好的设计实践, 提高可访问性, 并为更公平的社会做出贡献, 更公平的数码环境.
是你的网站吗, web应用程序, documents, 或者为残疾人提供的移动应用程序? 拥有一支专家团队,我们提供完整的服务 ADA网站可访问性修复服务 其中包括审计, strategy, design, 并开发符合无障碍法规(如ADA)的服务, WCAG 2.0, 2.1, 2.2和508条款在你的预算范围内. 与我们联系 (电子邮件保护) or 请求报价.